Azure training AZ-204
De Azure AZ-204 training CertKit leert ontwikkelaars hoe zij end-to-end oplossingen in Microsoft Azure kunnen creëren. Studenten leren Azure compute oplossingen te implementeren, Azure Functions te creëren, web apps te implementeren en te beheren, oplossingen te ontwikkelen die gebruik maken van Azure storage, authenticatie en autorisatie te implementeren, en hun oplossingen te beveiligen door gebruik te maken van KeyVault en Managed Identities.
Studenten zullen ook leren hoe te verbinden met Azure services en services van derden en event- en message-based modellen in hun oplossingen op te nemen. De AZ-204 cursus behandelt ook het monitoren, troubleshooten en optimaliseren van Azure oplossingen.
AZ-204 CertKit
De CertKit voor de AZ-204 training biedt een zeer gebruikersvriendelijke engine. De trainingsomgeving heeft verschillende voordelen om het leren prettiger en eenvoudiger te ervaren. Gun uzelf de hoogste kwaliteit trainingsomgeving en beleef E-learning zoals het hoort.
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AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Virtual Machines
Course: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Virtual Machines (VMs) in Azure
- Creating a Linux VM with Azure CLI
- Creating a Linux VM with Azure Portal
- Creating Linux VM with Azure PowerShell9
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure CLI
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure Portal
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure PowerShell
- Connecting to a Linux VM
- Connecting to a Windows VM
- Using Secure Shell (SSH) on a Azure VM Running Windows
- Creating an SSH Public-private Key Pair for a Linux VM
- Generating SSH Keys in Azure Portal
- Generating SSH Keys in Azure CLI
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Resource Manager Templates
Course: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Virtual Machines (VMs) in Azure
- Creating a Linux VM with Azure CLI
- Creating a Linux VM with Azure Portal
- Creating Linux VM with Azure PowerShell
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure CLI
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure Portal
- Creating a Windows VM with Azure PowerShell
- Connecting to a Linux VM
- Connecting to a Windows VM
- Using Secure Shell (SSH) on a Azure VM Running Windows
- Creating an SSH Public-private Key Pair for a Linux VM
- Generating SSH Keys in Azure Portal
- Generating SSH Keys in Azure CLI
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure Container Registry
Course: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Container Registries in Azure
- Creating an Azure Container Registry Using Azure Portal
- Creating a Private Container Registry Using Azure CLI
- Creating a Private Container Registry Using Azure PowerShell
- Creating a Geo-replicated Container Registry
- Working with OCI Artifact Using Azure Container Registry
- Creating and Deploying Container Images
- Utilizing Azure Container Registry Tasks
- Building Container Images with Azure Container Registry
- Creating a Linux Container App
- Pushing Images to Azure Container Registry with Docker CLI
- Using Azure Container Registry Client Libraries
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Container Instances
Course: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Container Registries in Azure
- Creating an Azure Container Registry Using Azure Portal
- Creating a Private Container Registry Using Azure CLI
- Creating a Private Container Registry Using Azure PowerShell
- Creating a Geo-replicated Container Registry
- Working with OCI Artifact Using Azure Container Registry
- Creating and Deploying Container Images
- Utilizing Azure Container Registry Tasks
- Building Container Images with Azure Container Registry
- Creating a Linux Container App
- Pushing Images to Azure Container Registry with Docker CLI
- Using Azure Container Registry Client Libraries
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: App Service
Course: 1 Hour, 14 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure App Service
- App Service Environments
- Choosing an Azure Compute Service
- Deploying an ASP.NET Web App
- Creating a Node.js Web App
- Creating a PHP Web App
- Creating a Java App on Azure App Service
- Deploying a Python Web App in Azure App Service
- Creating an Azure App Service App Using an ARM Template
- Creating Custom Containers in Azure App Service
- Enabling Logging for Apps in Azure App Service
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Web Apps
Course: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Running a Web App from a ZIP Package
- Deploy a Web App with a ZIP File
- Syncing Content from GitHub
- Deploying a Web App with Azure Pipeline
- Deploying Microservices
- Using Managed Identity
- Adding App Authentication
- Configuring Azure App Service Apps
- Buying a Custom Domain Name for Azure App Service
- Utilizing Digital Security Certificates
- Scaling Your Web App
- Setting Up Autoscale in Azure
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure Functions
Course: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Azure Functions
- Improving Azure Functions Performance
- Durable Functions
- Creating a Durable Function in C#
- Managing Connections8
- Connecting to Events and Messaging
- Securing Azure Functions
- Reliability Support
- Monitoring Azure Functions
- Deploying Code Continuously
- Deployment Slots
- Managing a Function App
- Custom Handlers in Azure Functions
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure Functions Triggers
Course: 1 Hour, 21 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Triggers and Bindings
- Using Triggers and Bindings in an Azure Function
- Working with HTTP Triggers and Bindings
- Registering Binding Extensions
- Using Binding Expressions
- Using Binding Return Values
- Using Blob Storage Bindings
- Working with Azure Cosmos DB Bindings
- Working with Error Handling and Retries
- Working with Dependencies and Azure Functions
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Cosmos DB Storage
Course: 56 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Triggers and Bindings
- Using Triggers and Bindings in an Azure Function
- Working with HTTP Triggers and Bindings
- Registering Binding Extensions
- Using Binding Expressions
- Using Binding Return Values
- Using Blob Storage Bindings
- Working with Azure Cosmos DB Bindings
- Working with Error Handling and Retries
- Working with Dependencies and Azure Functions
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Cosmos DB Containers
Course: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Indexing in Azure Cosmos DB
- Using SQL queries
- Azure Cosmos DB Resource Model
- Partitioning and Horizontal Scaling
- Using Stored Procedures in Azure Cosmos DB
- Managing Triggers Using the SQL API via REST
- Viewing the Change Feed in Azure Cosmos DB
- Provisioning Throughput on a Container
- Setting up Global Distribution on Azure Cosmos DB
- Azure Cosmos DB Consistency Levels
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Blob Storage
Course: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Blob Storage
- Using Blob Storage with the Azure Portal
- Using Blob Storage with PowerShell
- Using Blob Storage with the CLI
- Creating Blob Storage with Storage Explorer
- Using AzCopy with Blob Storage
- Managing Blob Containers with .NET
- Working with Blob Storage Client Library for .NET
- Using Immutable Storage with Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Storage Access Tiers
- Working with Blob Tiers
- Rehydrating a Blob
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure:
Course: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Blob Storage
- Using Blob Storage with the Azure Portal
- Using Blob Storage with PowerShell
- Using Blob Storage with the CLI
- Creating Blob Storage with Storage Explorer
- Using AzCopy with Blob Storage
- Managing Blob Containers with .NET
- Working with Blob Storage Client Library for .NET
- Using Immutable Storage with Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Storage Access Tiers
- Working with Blob Tiers
- Rehydrating a Blob
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure Active Directory
Course: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure Active Directory (AD)
- Creating a Directory
- Creating a Managed Domain
- Adding a Custom Domain
- Managing Azure AD Users, Groups and Licenses
- Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
- Working with Azure AD DS Authentication Services
- Using Azure AD Single Sign-on (SSO)
- Using Azure AD Multi-factor Authentication
- Configuring Azure AD Identity Protection
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Application Configuration
Course: 1 Hour, 28 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure Active Directory (AD)
- Creating a Directory
- Creating a Managed Domain
- Adding a Custom Domain
- Managing Azure AD Users, Groups and Licenses
- Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
- Working with Azure AD DS Authentication Services
- Using Azure AD Single Sign-on (SSO)
- Using Azure AD Multi-factor Authentication
- Configuring Azure AD Identity Protection
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Application Troubleshooting
Course: 1 Hour, 28 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure Active Directory (AD)
- Creating a Directory
- Creating a Managed Domain
- Adding a Custom Domain
- Managing Azure AD Users, Groups and Licenses
- Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
- Working with Azure AD DS Authentication Services
- Using Azure AD Single Sign-on (SSO)
- Using Azure AD Multi-factor Authentication
- Configuring Azure AD Identity Protection
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure API Management
Course: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure API Management
- Configuring API Gateways
- Implementing API Security
- Using Azure API Management Policies
- Implementing API Versioning
- Customizing a Developer Portal
- Configuring Caching in Azure API Management
- Using Quotas and Throttling in Azure API Management
- Monitoring Performance in Azure API Management
- Integrating Azure API Management and Azure Functions
- Integrating Azure API Management with Azure AD
- Azure API Management Deployment and Scaling
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Caching in Azure
Course: 59 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Caching
- Azure Front Door
- Caching with Azure Front Door
- Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- Controlling Azure CDN Caching Behavior
- Creating an Azure CDN Endpoint
- Azure Cache for Redis
- Creating a Redis Cache
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Azure Event Grid
Course: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure Event Grid Concepts
- Event Types and Schemas
- Managing Event Subscriptions
- Creating Custom Topic and Event Types
- Filtering Events
- Routing Events
- Configuring Dead Lettering
- Utilizing Security and Authentication for Events
- Configuring Event Replay
- Using Event Grid with Azure Functions
- Using Event Grid with Logic Apps
- Using Event Grid with Event Hubs
- Course Summary
AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Message-based Solutions
Course: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Azure Service Bus
- Working with Azure Queue Storage Queues
- Integrating Service Bus and Queue Storage
- Service Bus Messaging Patterns
- Service Bus Security
- Integrating Service Bus and Event Grid
- Integrating Service Bus and Azure Functions
- Integrating Service Bus and Logic Apps
- Integrating Service Bus and Power Automate
- Integrating Service Bus and Azure Stream Analytics
- Queue Storage Scalability and Performance
- Service Bus and Queue Storage Monitoring
- Course Summary