This training is developed for all professionals who wish to use their time more efficiently and effectively.
In de Virtual Classroom wordt de klasruimte digitaal nagebootst en volg je live les via de computer. De lessen zijn klassikaal en interactief, waardoor de les niet heel anders is dan normaal. Je kunt tijdens de les direct vragen stellen aan de docent, werken aan opdrachten en discussiëren met medestudenten. Op deze manier kun je veilig vanuit huis studeren. Het enige dat je nodig hebt is een werkende internetverbinding. Je ontvangt duidelijke instructies over het inloggen en het gebruik en er is technische ondersteuning mochten er problemen zijn.
In today’s dynamic work environment, you are expected to process, prioritize and act upon frequently changing demands on your time. Time management skills are becoming ever more essential in organizing your life efficiently and effectively. Every day you have to either perform a myriad of duties yourself or assume responsibility for others. In this ‘hands-on’ training you will learn how to effectively manage yourself, so you can focus on priority tasks and be more effective now and in the long run.
ProgramPillars of time management
- Dealing effectively with limited time
- Your personality and time management
- Patterns and habits
Time analysis
- Analysis of your tasks and objectives
- Insight into your time allocation
- Identifying your time wasters
Setting priorities
- The difference between important and unimportant
- Urgent and non-urgent tasks
- A healthy balance between long- and short-term planning
Assertive behavior
- The relationship between assertion and time management
- Assertive communication
- Setting boundaries
Personal aspects
- Dealing with perfectionism and responsibility
- Delegating and letting go
- Dealing with work pressure
- Effective organization and planning
- Personal action plan
This is an interactive training in which brief and practical theory is related to personal experiences. An assignment prior to the training helps you analyze and evaluate your time management. The trainer demonstrates tips and techniques that encourage an efficient manner of working. Participants share experiences and best practices.
Throughout the entire training trajectory, our online learning platform (e-Connect) will be available. Here you will find extra exercises, information and the means to communicate with the trainer and share experiences with other participants.